Regular Editon CD
Includes Bonus: May 1975 James Talley Radio Interview
Cimarron Records 2005
Capitol Records 1975
Produced By James Talley and Steve Mendell
Recorded in Nashville, Tennessee
Thanks for the songs you have written and recorded; especially for the Got No Bread . . . album I had back in ’75. The title track from that album has played in my memory for thirty years through good times and bad. Always bringing me hope that “this too shall pass.” Three kids and one grandchild later, it plays on.
— Mary McCollum (2005)
Got No Bread … marketed as country, it has little to do with what came out of the Nashville machine … there’s not a cliche on it. Every note sounds as if it was played – and what is more, felt – by a living human being. … In the vein of the Band’s second album, it is an affirmation.
— Greil Marcus, The Village Voice (1975)
Includes Bonus: May 1975 James Talley Radio Interview
Cimarron Records 2005
Capitol Records 1975
Produced By James Talley and Steve Mendell
Recorded in Nashville, Tennessee